Day: August 10, 2022

How To Promote Mental Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace?

How To Promote Mental Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace?

Mental health problems are common in the workplace for many reasons, including excessive workload, poor management practices, burnout, discrimination, and bullying. Many leaders assume their team’s mental health is none of their business and won’t affect them, but the truth is, how employees think, feel, and behave impacts their performance and the workplace.

Helping the team improve their mental health is an essential step that leaders can take to boost an individual’s well-being. Doing so allows a leader to take care of their employees’ mental state and the health of the entire organization.

5 Tips To Promote Mental Health And Wellbeing In The Workplace

Promote a work-life balance

Encourage employees to prioritize their health by taking breaks, regular vacations, and developing a life outside the workplace. Unplugging from the office makes individuals less likely to feel burned out.

Discuss mental health in the workplace

Bringing up the issues of depression and anxiety in the workplace reduces the stigma against mental health problems. Managers must also know the early signs of mental health problems to respond appropriately when a team member is struggling. Additionally, leaders can try to open up personal mental health struggles to empower employees to share their experiences.

Prioritize wellness

Encouraging employees to engage in healthy leisure activities allows leaders to build and improve their mental health. Boost employees’ wellness by offering free gym memberships and joining other wellness programs.

Establish an employee assistance program

Establishing employee assistance programs can help employees cope with personal problems that impact their performance in the workplace, physical health, and mental health.

Encourage employees to seek for help

Seeking professional help is the best way to handle out-of-control thoughts, emotions, and behavior. Support employees to consult a mental health professional or contact a Hong Kong counselling centre by giving them a day off to attend therapy appointments and not penalizing them for taking care of their mental health.

Benefits Of A Mentally Healthy Workplace

Greater job satisfaction

A mentally healthy workforce is a result of outstanding leadership. Positive employment experiences often increase employees’ self-worth and give them a sense of purpose and achievement.

Increased employee productivity

By fostering a mentally healthy workplace, employees can concentrate more on their tasks, quickly meet deadlines, and produce higher quality work.

Improved employee attendance

Healthy employees are motivated employees. Taking care of an individual’s mental health and well-being reduces the likelihood of absenteeism as they are less sensitive to changes in employment conditions.

Enhanced employee engagement

Individuals who are physically and emotionally well can engage at work better. Normalizing mental health conversations empower employees to open up and communicate their thoughts and emotions. It improves the working relationship between leaders and team members as the former builds a mental and emotional connection with the latter.

Final Thoughts

Manager education is one of the most effective ways to build awareness about mental health in the workplace. Leaders must understand that promoting employee mental health and well-being is crucial to the organization’s success.

Although treating mental health illnesses may take a while, what matters is they know how to promote psychological wellness one step at a time.

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